Idk, my bff Rose.

Remember ‘Idk, my bff Jill’? This is the continuation, obviously the family still hasn’t learned a bit and switched their calls to Cingular.

This was kindly linked to me by Matt. Thanks.

I had to watch the clip several times to understand just how the abbreviations work, but showing this to a few friends they gathered the meaning straight away.

Save the Vowels!


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8 Responses to Idk, my bff Rose.

  1. ish says:

    Ah, another great advert from AT&T. These guys are just brilliant!

    Somebody was asking me about the banner we use in our blogs and wanted to have one on her website too. Good thing we’ve got supporters.


  2. Cat says:

    Yeah, couple people been emailing me about it as well..


  3. Matt says:

    No credit to me for linking you?




  4. Cat says:

    This was just a test to see if you ever come to my blog. And you do. :)


  5. Ashley says:

    Omg!! That is my bff in this commercial the one who plays Beth Ann omg!


  6. john says:

    i banged beth ann. right smack in the poon.


  7. Katie says:

    Ah, another great work from the brilliant minds of AT&t. Next on Stupid Chatspeak Network, the amazing texting dog!


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