My Life, the Universe, and Everything.

No, this is not going to be some post about the ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy‘, even though it’s a great film. This post is more about my life and what is happening with it or rather what’s not happening with it.

Ever since I turned 16 I’ve been wondering as to what to do with my life, worrying that I might make a wrong decision and end up in a job or life that I don’t want. Well, 8 years later and I’m none the wiser. However I have decided that I now need to actively decide as to what I want to do.

Yes, I have decided to decide. ;)

Jokes aside, I have actually made the first step towards it. As of last week I am enrolled for an Open University Course “An introduction to Humanities” which is one year long and costs too much money! Today I also have an appointment with the local college to discuss my application for an AS English course. If I complete that I can finally prove to everyone, including myself and my grandparents, that both my spoken and written English are to a high standard.

Even though I have not yet decided what job I want to do and where I want to live, I have given myself one year to come up with something, otherwise I will just go in one direction and further myself that way.

I will also be moving house in the next few weeks, but more about that in another post.


This entry was posted in England, House, Life in general, Studying. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to My Life, the Universe, and Everything.

  1. ish says:

    Best of luck with whatever you’re planning to do, Cat.


  2. Cat says:

    Thank you very much!


  3. Ashish says:

    Oh damn, someone beat me to it. :P I’ll just write it in reverse then…

    Tac, od ot gninnalp er’uoy revetahw htiw kcul fo tesb. :)


  4. Sha says:

    Yay you’re doing an AS! Have fun. Pain the arse exams. Best of luck with the course though!


  5. Emma French says:

    Years ago I was taught by a fun tutor, Peter Cave, on the OU Humanities and Philosophy coures.

    Have a look at his recent book, ‘Can a Robot be Human? 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles’ – I bet you will find it fun and it makes you think…and will really encourage you to do the OU and maybe even philosophy. It covers lots of stuff,



  6. Emma French says:


    Just found it – and your Life, Meaning etc is just right – as it has a last chapter on Is this all there is? – and wonders whether better to be a pebble.


  7. Cat says:

    Hi Emma,

    that sounds like a good book. I’ve just had a look on amazon and I think I’ll see if I can get it. Philosophy has always interested me, but lately I’ve been very interested in Psychology as well..

    My OU course has been a bit slow, as I’ve been ill a lot, but I’m definitely looking into getting all stuck in now.

    Thanks for the recommendation. :)


  8. Emma says:

    How are things going?
    Hope OU progressing happily
    despite festive times ahead


  9. Cat says:

    It’s been rather slow, but definitely getting there somehow. Just completed another TMA, so there’s hoping it’s good enough. :)

    Thanks for stopping by again and I hope you’ve got a good christmas.


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