#TwitLight: Who are you, @reighvin?

TwitLight is a Twitter Spotlight posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Also have a look at all the previous TwitLights and you are more than welcome to take part, too!

I cannot believe it’s Saturday already and I’m not sure what happened to this week. All day yesterday I was deeply convinced it was Thursday which is why this TwitLight is sadly a day late. It’s not the first time this has happened and it most likely won’t be the last time either!

Moving on, I vividly remember the day when today’s TwitLight participant started following me. Actually, that’s a lie, but I do remember looking at his profile thinking why the hell he’d follow me. That’s something I ask myself with a vast majority of followers and as yet have not found an answer to it!

Turns out @reighvin is the husband of @trixie360 or rather at the time was her fiance and I remember seeing their Hawaiian wedding via live video stream:

Vodpod videos no longer available.

He’s also a marine who can type [his words, not mine!], pretty passionate about videogaming and has a great common sense. He will soon be the father to @BabyTrixie and I fully expect her to take part in a future TwitLight, just like you, @trixie360, if you are reading this!

All in all he’s an allround nice guy that you should follow if you’re not already!

Meet the Marine: @reighvin!!

1. Where are you from?
From? Shit, start with a hard question, don’t you. Well, lets see. I was born in Ukiah, California, but didn’t live there for long. I moved to Mississippi, England, Maine, back to California, North Dakota, and then Colorado. From there I joined the Marine Corps. Sooooo….I guess I will claim Minot, North Dakota since that is where I graduated high school.

Do I win a prize for having the longest answer to the first question?

2. How old are you?
21, with 13 years of experience. Or 34. Take your pick.

3. What do you do for a living?
I am an aviation electronics tech for the United States Marine Corps. I know, I know, electronics and Marine Corps is not the first combination of words that comes to mind, but I’m a walking talking oxymoron. Smart. Marine.

4. What does your alias/nickname mean and how did you come up with it?
I love the stuff Edgar Allen Poe wrote, especially “The Raven”. I am also a fan of wrestling, and the wrestler “Raven”. I came up with my take on it back in 1996/1997 when I first got on the net, and stuck with it.

5. What do you want to be when you grow up and has that changed at all since you were little?
Who says I want to grow up? Who says I have to? Well, if you insist, then I think I want to be a teacher. Math, science, english, phys ed. Who knows.

When I was little, I wanted to be Spider-Man, so I guess you could say it changed. Of course, in my spare time I keep microwaving spiders and letting them bite me, so who knows. Maybe dreams do come true.

6. What song are you thinking about right now?
“To Be Loved” by Papa Roach. Gotta get pumped for Monday Night Raw. That’s right. 34, and I still watch wrestling. Been watching since I was 8, and I still love it.

7. Do you have a Last.fm profile?
Sure don’t. Sorry.

8. What are you reading at the moment? [Book, magazine, website, Wikipedia article..]
The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security by Kevin Mitnick.

9. Which video game are you playing these days and is it as good as you thought it would be? [provided you play video games that is!]
Actually, my 360 crapped out the other day, but before then, I was playing Burnout Paradise. Just something about driving fast and crashing hard that is addicting as hell.

10. What is the weather like at the moment?
Sunny, clear skies, in the 60’s. No, wait, rainy and windy. Never mind, sunny again.

11. What are your plans for the rest of the day?
Let’s see, I’m sitting in my cell, typing this, and watching America’s Next Top Model. Looks like another night of underwater basket weaving it is.

12. If you could replace anyone in any TV show, who would you pick?
Replace somebody on TV? With me? Sweet! Spongebob Squarepants! How cool would it be to live under the sea? And that squirrel? Yeah, she’s hot. I’d hit it.

13. If you had the chance to work on the Enterprise [Star Trek ship!], what job would you have?
Hmmm…science officer? Yeoman Johnson? I’m a pretty lazy bastard, so I’d want to be the Captain. Just have to sit around and make decisions. Sounds good to me. :-)

14. Seeing that I’m a grumpy person in the morning I’ve realised I can’t live with people that are overly happy as soon as they wake up. Would you be a good flatmate?
Fuck no. I wake up early as hell in the morning, and am ready to go from the moment I wake up. However, I would make breakfast and dinner for you to make up for it. :-)

15. What is the best website you’ve come across recently?
Scubaboard.com, but only because I have decided to get certified this summer.

16. How long have you been on Twitter for and when did you realise you were sucked in by it?
Originally got online to find out what was going on at MacWorld 2008, but really got on it around March, April of last year. Took about 2 weeks for me to be totally sucked in to the twittervoid.

17. Settle this question for me: PC or Mac?
PC, duh? I understand why some people use Mac’s and they have a valid reason. But all the people that buy Macs and then boot into Vista are just idiots. What do you want to do with the computer? That’s what I thought, cheaper to go PC.

And don’t even get me started on all the douche’s that think they are soooo cool to say M$ all the time. Hello? Yeah you. We were doing that in 1997 when it WAS cool. Now you just show how much of a retard you really are. We get it. You are uber-cool because you use M$. Thanks. Now go back to your Mom’s house because I think I hear your Mom calling. Sounds like dinner is ready.

18. And another one: ice cream or cake?
Cake, definately. Bithday cake ice cream is pretty good too, but nothing beats birthday cake.

HOWEVER, while in Germany, I watched naked chicks wrestle in cake on TV. Why would anybody ruin good cake like that? I mean, there was cake in some unmentionable places.

19. Fill this out however you want: “Today I am ____ and I ____, but ____, because ____.”

Today I am your master, and I command you to obey, but I won’t make you doing anything sexual, because you look like you got hit upside the head with a bag of hot nickles.

20. What do you want everyone to know about you, who are you, what makes you tick? [aka describe yourself]
Wow, what makes me tick. I’m 5’11”, 190 pounds, and I love to laugh. I am always trying to get a laugh, even at the expense of my own self. But that’s just me.

And to think, I am a little bit shy at times too. I met my wife over twitter and facebook, and when I met her, I realized what I was missing in my life, and finally feel happy and at peace. We have a little girl on the way that is due in July, and I can’t wait to meet the new addition to our family. My wife is fantastic.

21. What is the last thing that you’ve felt proud about?
I am currently 3 weeks without smoking, and have lost 18 pounds at the same time.

22. If I wanted to stalk you on the internet where would I have to go?

I don’t have any web sites except my Facebook and Twitter stuff up and running. However, I am in work on a site based off a food I love so much. :-) Hopefully soon, it will go live.

23. Any more comments?
Yeah. Like me or don’t like me, I don’t care. I’m not here for your approval. I’m here for myself, and to enjoy my life. If I happen to entertain you along the way, then so be it.

Thank you for one of the most entertaining TwitLights to date. You’ve been awesome!

This entry was posted in #TwitLight, Blog community project, Community and Games, Twitter. Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to #TwitLight: Who are you, @reighvin?

  1. Gemini Ace says:

    I didn’t know they met on Twitter and Facebook. How cool!


  2. Cat says:

    I didn’t either, it’s really sweet. Reighvin, how long you guys been together for?


  3. Reighvin says:

    Our 1 year is going to be this week. :-)


  4. Cat says:

    Really?! That’s so short!

    Congrats though!


  5. :] <3 Trixie and Reighvin


  6. AblativMeatshld says:

    I’m still waiting for one of you to announce that the vegas hotel sent you a bill for the bed. :)


  7. Cat says:

    Vegas hotel and bed? Tell me more!


  8. Reighvin says:

    I forgot all about the broken bed in Vegas!! Damn you are your memory! And no, we never received a bill. I managed to “make it good” before we left.


  9. Cat says:

    So, erm, you broke a bed?!

    Dare I ask how?


  10. sedington86 says:

    Lol, nice Twitlight! Gave me a good laugh at 3:34 in the A.M. while stealing internet from a neighbor at my new apt.


  11. Cat says:

    Is there any other way to use the internet!? ;)


  12. Pingback: #TwitLight hiatus this week « carocat.co.uk

  13. Pingback: Remember #TwitLight? « carocat.co.uk

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